A Mobile Fit for a Jedi

As you can imagine, it’s not easy to find accessories for a Star Wars themed nursery. Bring on the DIY! My latest project was a repurposed mobile.

Star Wars Mobile

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, it looked like this:

Mobile, Before

I took it apart and measured the fabric pieces that came with it, making patterns and using leftover fabric from the R2D2 quilt to ‘reupholster’ the arms and hanger.

Then, I freehanded a felt Death Star to glue over the round mechanism up top.

Star Wars Mobile, Death Star

Sadly, it does not play the Imperial Death March – ‘Lullaby’ will have to do. BUT, the little plushes that I bought on eBay to hang from the arms make their own noises when you squeeze them. Chewwie roars, R2D2 beeps, Yoda pontificates, and Vader breathes heavily… Jawa’s eyes even light up! So still pretty cool.

Each character is attached with embroidery floss, a decorative button, and a generous gob of hot glue.

Star Wars Mobile, Yoda

Star Wars Mobile, Darth Vader

Star Wars Mobile, Chewbacca

Star Wars Mobile, R2D2

Star Wars Mobile, Jawa

2 thoughts on “A Mobile Fit for a Jedi

  1. amy says:

    Pretty darn awesome! My 5 and 2 yo both want the PB Kids Star Wards bedding from Santa. Just trying to imagine if I could quilt something similar.. You’ve inspired me to think about trying but then Yoda says, “do or do not, there is no try.” hmm.. lucky guy you’ve got coming!

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